
  1. Ball

    • Each team will be allowed to provide a game-ball for their offence sequence to the referee prior to each game. If a ball is not provided 5 minutes before the start of the game, an EFL provided ball will be used for the entirety of the game.

    • The ball must be an adult size ball with 12.5-13.5 psi

    • The team on offence is responsible for retrieving the football in between plays.

    • The referee is NOT responsible for retrieving the football.

  2. Uniforms

    • All players must wear either white (Home) or black (Away) coloured jerseys/shirts IF team jersey's or coordinated shirts aren't decided upon. (AMENDED 01.21.23 @ 5:50PM) 

    • The wearing of jewelry is strictly prohibited.

    • Pants/shorts without pockets are recommended.

  3. Shoes

    • Athletic shoes including those with rubber cleats are permitted.

    • Athletic shoes with metal cleats are strictly prohibited.

  4. Protective Equipment

    • Mouth guards are highly recommended.

  5. Player Equipment

    • Any challenge regarding equipment compliance shall be decided by the head referee prior to each game.

Game Duration/Timeouts

  1. Game Duration

    • The duration of each game is approximately forty minutes composed of 2 24-minute halves of running time.

    • Extra points are included in the running time.

    • The duration of a game may be extended or shortened at the discretion of a referee (depending on the circumstances a rematch may be ordered).

    • At the end of each half, when time expires  there will be three untimed downs.

      • The referee(s) will announce when there are two minutes remaining until time expires, and again when time expires and the final three plays of the half commence.

      • When time expires, if the team with possession has all four downs remaining, they may choose not to use the three plays ("down it"), thus ending the half.

      • The 25 second play clock will still be enforced for the three plays.

      • PATs are not considered as a "play"

  2. Half-time

    • Teams will change ends at half-time

    • The duration of half-time is 2 to 5 minutes at the discretion of the referee.

  3. Time-outs

    • Each team has one time-out per half which is 30 seconds in duration. The time will stop for the time-out

    • A referee may call a time-out at any time

  4. Overtime

    • During the regular season, all games that are tied at the end of regulation will finish in a tie.

    • During the playoffs, a coin toss will be used to determine possession at the start of overtime

    • Each team will be given four downs (1 possession), beginning at their own one (1) yard line to determine a winner.

    • If a winner is not determined, both teams will be given four (4) downs, beginning at the opposing team’s five (5) yard-line to determine a winner. This format will continue until a winner is determined.

    • A winner is determined when one team scores, while the opposing team is prevented from scoring.

    • The defensive team may score on an interception.


  1. Scoring

    • A touchdown is worth six (6) points.

    • A touchdown is defined as: When any part of the football touches or is in-advance of the goal line. The football must “break the plane” of the end zone before the player is ruled touched by the referee.

    • After scoring a touchdown, the team must announce whether it is electing a 1 point conversion or a 2 point conversion.

    • A 1 point conversion is set at the 2 yard-line.

    • A 2 point conversion is set at the 5 yard-line.

    • If either conversion is intercepted and returned to the opposing teams end-zone, that team will be awarded the conversion points.

    • A safety is worth 2 points.

    • A safety occurs when the offensive team kneels in their own end-zone or an offensive player is ruled touched by a referee in their own end-zone.

Players and Substitutions

  1. Players

    • No more than six and no less than five players are permitted per team per play.

      • Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

    • A team may field no less than five (5) players at any time.

    • A forfeit will be declared when a team fails to field at least five players within 10 minutes of the game-start. A fee of $100 may apply to the team.

    • A team may dress a non-roster player during the regular the season.

    • The use of non-roster players during the playoffs is strictly prohibited.

  2. Substitutions

    • Substitutions are allowed following the completion of every play.

    • A team can only have a maximum of six (6) players in their huddle.

      • Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

Playing regulations

  1. Coin Toss

    • At the beginning of each game, the designated team captain from the home team will be asked to call “heads” or “tails” prior to a coin toss. The referee will indicate which side of the coin will represent each call.

    • The winner will have the option for the first half of: starting on offence or deferring to receive the ball at the start of the second half. The losing team will pick the starting side.

  2. Opening Possession

    • The receiving team will begin the opening possession at their own 1-yard line. (AMENDED 01.20.23 @9:48PM)

  3. The Snap

    • Opening possession: The game clock begins when the football is snapped.

The snap does not have to go through the center’s legs, but all snaps must remain in the eligible pocket (2 yards to the right and left of the football).
Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

  • The offensive team has a maximum of twenty-five (25) seconds from when the referee puts the ball in play to snap the football.
    Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

  • Upon a second consecutive “delay of game” penalty, the offensive team will forfeit a time-out. If the offensive team does not have a time-out remaining, a major penalty will be assessed. The play-clock will resume when the referee puts the ball in play.

  • The offensive team can snap the football at ANY time, provided that the referee has put the ball in play.

    • The defensive team must be ready for a hurry up offence. If the defensive team is behind the line of scrimmage (LOS) upon the snap of the football, a minor penalty will be assessed.

  1. Offside

    • When an offensive or defensive player crosses the LOS before the football is snapped.

      • Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

  2. Passing/Quarterback

    • The player who receives the snap is deemed to be the quarterback (QB).

    • More than one player may line-up in the eligible pocket to receive the snap.

    • Neither player must declare themselves as the QB.

      • The quarterback can scramble behind the LOS during the steamboat count and can cross the LOS after 4 steamboat count.
        There can only be one (1) forward pass per play.
        Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

      • Intentional grounding occurs when the QB throws a forward pass without a realistic chance of completion after the 4 steamboat count.
        Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

    • A lateral is any pass, overhand or underhand, behind the “passer” and can take place at any time/place on the field.

    •  If a pass is tipped by an offensive player, and the ball travels forward, and then possessed by a different offensive player, the ball cannot be advanced. The catch will be awarded, but spotted back where the first tip occurred. If at any time the ball is touched by a defensive player, before possession by the second offensive player, the ball can be advanced. ADDED TO RULEBOOK 01/28/2023 @ 7:43PM

  3. Sack

    • A sack is when a defensive player tags the quarterback behind the LOS

  4. Fourth Down

    • The offensive team will have four downs to score a touchdown (TD).

    • On fourth down, the offensive team has the option to give up a safety without notice.

    • Upon an unsuccessful fourth down, the offensive team will turn the football over to the opposing team. The opposing team will take possession from the previous spot.

    • Offensive teams cannot punt the football.

  5. Pass rusher/Blitzer

    • The defensive team can rush the quarterback after the fourth “steamboat” is called out by the referee.

    • The pass rusher must be provided an unrestricted path to the QB (offence cannot block the pass rush)
      Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

    • Steamboats will be counted by one referee.

    • A secondary rusher, referred to as a “blitzer”, may rush the quarterback after four steamboats.

    • Roughing the passer occurs when the pass rusher/blitzer makes any unnecessary contact with the QB and/or makes any contact with the QB's arms. (Amended 1/18/23  @ 10:48AM)

      • Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

  6. Fumble

    • The play is dead upon any fumble.

    • The football will be placed at the spot of the fumble.

    • If a snap is not caught by the quarterback, the play will be whistled dead. The football will be placed where it lands resulting in a loss of down.

  7. Receiving

    • A reception occurs when a player catches and controls the football with at least one-foot in bounds.

    • All offensive and defensive players are eligible receivers.

    • If an offensive player intentionally steps out-of-bounds, without being illegally forced out by a defensive player, the offensive player OR receiver is ruled ineligible.

    • If an ineligible receiver catches the football, a minor penalty will be assessed.

    • If an offensive player is forced out-of-bounds by a defensive player and the offensive player immediately returns to the field-of-play, the receiver is ruled eligible.

  8. Pass interference

    • Offensive pass interference occurs when an offensive player makes deliberate contact with a defensive player to gain a positional advantage.

      • Any violation of this rule will result in a major penalty.

    • Defensive pass interference occurs when a defensive player makes deliberate contact with an offensive player and impedes the receiver’s ability to catch the football.

      • Any violation of this rule will result in a major penalty. The football will be placed at the spot of the foul. Replay down

    • If the foul occurs in the “end-zone”, the football will be placed at the defending team’s one (1) yard-line.

    • Incidental contact is permitted. The referee closest to the football will decide, at his sole discretion, what constitutes pass interference.

  9. Illegal use of hands

    • Illegal use of hands occurs when a defensive player makes contact with an offensive player before the ball is thrown, and deliberately impedes the route of the receiver.

      • Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

  10. Holding

    • No offensive or defensive player can close either of his hands on an opposing player or the opposing players uniform to gain an advantage.

      • Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

  11. Blocking

    • No offensive player may impede a defensive player’s path to the football.

      • Any violation of this rule will result in a minor penalty.

  12. Boundaries

    • The lines marking the sidelines and the back end of the end-zones constitute the “boundaries”.

    • If any of the lines are stepped on the offensive or defensive player will be deemed to be out of bounds and ineligible.

  13. Forfeiting

    • The score for a game that is forfeited will be recorded as 21-0.

    • Any team that forfeits will be subject to a team fine of $100.

    • If a team does not have a minimum of 5 players within 10 minutes from start of the game, the team automatically forfeits the game.

  14. Referees

    • Referees should not be affiliated with any team that they’re refereeing.

  15. Disputes

    • In the event a dispute cannot be resolved by the EFL rulebook, the final say belongs to the referees on the field and to the league commissioner.


    • In the event of the playing field not having yard line markers, referrers will equate 1 yard to 1 full step

    • All penalties are subject to the non-penalized team choosing to accept or decline the penalty. The clock does not stop for decision and ball placement. If the referees require additional time to make a decision, it will be up to the discretion of the referees to stop the clock to make the call. (Amended 01/18/23 @ 10:35AM EST)

    • All penalties will be indicated by the referee tossing a flag on the field of play.

    • If the penalty occurs before the ball is snapped, the referee will whistle the play dead.

    • If the penalty occurs after the ball is snapped, the referee will allow the play to continue.

    • Offsetting penalties occur when both the offensive and defensive team are penalized on the same play resulting in the down being replayed.

    • If two penalties occur against one team on the same play, only one penalty will be enforced.

    • Penalties will be assessed as followed:

      • Offensive minor penalties: A 5 yard penalty and a loss of down.

      • Defensive minor penalties: A 5 yard penalty.

      • Offensive major penalties: A 10 yard penalty and a loss of down.

      • Defensive major penalties: A 10 yard penalty. Replay down.

  • Exception: Defensive pass interference.

    • Defensive pass interference is a major penalty and is a spot foul. Replay down.

  • The following is considered unsportsmanlike conduct:

    • Throwing away the ball after a play has ended

    • Excessive Taunting (discretion of the referee)

    • Tackling/Pushing

    • Foul Language towards players & referees

    • Fighting

    • Abuse of an official

  • Unsportsmanlike conduct will result in a 15-yard penalty and may result in an ejection, suspension and/or fine subject to the referee.

  • Any player receiving a second unsportsmanlike penalty during the same game will be automatically ejected and may be suspended and/or fined subject to the discretion of the commissioner whose decision is not subject to appeal.

  • Suspensions/fines are handed out by the commissioner. The commissioner can use his sole and absolute discretion when handing out suspensions/fines.

  • Suspensions/fines cannot be appealed.

  • If a penalty is committed but the field does not have room to enforce the yard penalty, the ball will be placed at the 1 Yard line. 

  • If another defensive penalty is committed after this, the ball will be moved half the distance to the goal line new sets of down will be awarded to the offence. 

  • If there is no more room on the field to enforce, defensive penalties, the offence will be awarded new sets of down
