These rules were created with the help of The Canadian Amateur Rule Book Flag Football. This will ensure that all players will have the opportunity to get themselves familiarized playing at a national level.

  1. Ball

    • Each team will be allowed to provide a game-ball for their offence sequence to the referee prior to each game. If a ball is not provided 5 minutes before the start of the game, an EFL provided ball will be used for the entirety of the game.

    • The ball must be an adult size ball with 12.5-13.5 psi

    • The team on offence is responsible for retrieving the football in between plays.

    • The referee is NOT responsible for retrieving the football.

  2. Uniforms

    • All players must wear their team jerseys and/or the coloured shirts that was designated to them. 

    • Each player must wear a jersey and/or designated coloured shirt with a number on the back of their jersey. Failure to do so, players stats will not be recorded. 

    • Players not in uniform will not be eligible to play unless they have their jersey and/or their team coloured jersey.

    • The wearing of jewelry is strictly prohibited.

    • Pants/shorts without pockets are recommended.

  3. Shoes

    • Athletic shoes including those with rubber cleats are permitted.

    • Athletic shoes with metal cleats are strictly prohibited.

  4. Protective Equipment

    • Mouth guards are highly recommended.

  5. Player Equipment

    • Players must tuck in their jersey/shirt with their flag belts clearly visible

    • Players shirt must be tucked inside shorts/pants and not be obstructing with the flags.

    • Players must have their flags on the side of their hips and the belts must be worn on the beltline. 

    • Players will be provided with an official league sanctioned flag belts & flags.  

    • Any challenge regarding equipment compliance shall be decided by the head referee prior to each game.

    • Players can use their own belt & flags. However, refs & league reserves the right to ask the player to switch out to league provided equipment if belt is not up to league code for any reason.

  6. Attendance

    • Players must play 40% which is 3 games in regular season to be eligible for playoffs. 

    • A played game is when a player has at least played one play a game either on defense or offence 

    • Stat Keepers will take attendance before the game begins. If a player is late, they are eligible to participate, however, it is their responsibility to let the stat keepers know to note down that they were in attendance. 

    • Stat keepers are unable to go back into the system to update attendance once the game has begun 

Length of Game

  • The official game is 46 minutes (2x23 minute halves).

  • Each team has 2 30-second time outs per half. These cannot be carried over to the second half or overtime.

Pro Clock

  • In the last minute of both halves, the clock will stop in the following circumstances:

  • To award a first down, also after a change of team possession

  • To complete a penalty

  • When the ball or the runner goes out of bounds

  • When a pass or fumble (forward or backward) strikes the ground

  • When a score is made and during and after the following PAT

  • When a charged timeout is granted

  • At the 1-minute mark of the 2nd half, the Pro Clock will be cancelled when the point spread is 25-points or more. Once the pro clock is cancelled, the pro clock can not be reinstated for the game.

  • Leagues have the option to run a pro-clock or straight time.

General Play

  • The winner of the coin toss shall choose if they would like to start with the ball, choose a side, or defer their choice to the beginning of the 2nd half.

  • The offensive team takes possession of the ball at its 5-yard line and has 4 downs (plays) to score a touchdown. If the offence fails to score and has not crossed the half, the other team will receive the ball at the spot of the ball. If the team fails to score but has crossed the half, the other team will receive the ball at half.

  • The offensive team has the option to punt the ball on 4th down.

  • There is no minimal distance required by the quarterback who can be either up close to the center or in shot-gun formation.

  • All possession changes, except interceptions from scrimmage play, start on the offensive 5-yard line.

  • Defensive interceptions that give the defense possession between their own 1- and 4-yard line will be brought to the 5-yard line for the start of their next possession.

  • The quarterback, defined as the player that gains possession of the ball from the Center, cannot run with the ball past the line of scrimmage, unless the ball has been handed off, tossed, pitched or lateraled to another player and then returned.

  • Forward passes/pitches/handoffs are allowed behind the line of scrimmage. However, once received the offense can no longer make another pass/pitch/handoff to another offensive player.

  • Legal Forward Pass – A ball thrown that originated from behind the Line of Scrimmage and is thrown towards the opponent’s endzone.

  • If an offensive penalty in the “No Run Zone” occurs that takes the team outside the “No Run Zone”, then the team still cannot run.


  • The center is the player who gives the ball to the quarterback via a snap. The center cannot take a direct hand off back from the quarterback (no center sneak play). Any violation of this play is illegal forward handoff.

  • A run play occurs when a player crosses the line of scrimmage with the ball without a forward pass being thrown.

  • The player who takes the handoff, toss, pitch or lateral can throw the ball from behind the line of scrimmage.

  • Spinning and dipping is allowed, but the ball carrier cannot dive forward or jump to avoid a defensive player or gain yardage (no diving).

  • The ball is spotted at the center of the ball carrier’s hips are when the flag is pulled not where the ball is.

  • All players must be behind their side of the Line of Scrimmage neutral zone at the snap of the ball. Violation of this occurs if they have stepped into the neutral zone placing 1 or more of their feet on the ground prior to the snap and is an offside penalty.

  • Any number of players can be in motion when the ball is snapped; only the center must be at the line of scrimmage. Players in motion towards the line of scrimmage will not be considered offside unless they have entered the 1 yard scrimmage neutral zone by placing 1 or more of their feet on the ground at the snap of the ball. If they return back behind their side of the zone before the ball is snapped, they will not be penalized.


  • All players who rush the passer must be 7-yards for 5v5 from the line of scrimmage at any point after the ball has been snapped. Both the line of scrimmage and the rusher line will be marked with a bean bag. Any number of players can rush the quarterback. Players not rushing the quarterback may defend on the line of scrimmage after the snap. The rusher must rush continuously, in a direct path towards the quarterback if they are in the pocket or are rolling out. Once the ball is handed off, tossed, pitched or lateraled or a fake handoff, toss, pitch or lateral occurs, the 7-yard rule no longer is in effect and all defenders may go across the line of scrimmage from anywhere on the field.

  • A rusher lined-up within the 2-yards of the rush line marker cannot line up directly over it, they must choose / position themselves on 1 side or the other and be a minimum of 12 inches away from it clearly indicating which side they are rushing from. The rusher will lose their free direct path to the quarterback if they switch the side they are rushing from after the center positions the ball for a snap. Rushers must also ensure that their entire body is behind the rush line marker, even if they are leaning forward.

  • Any type of accidental or deliberate contact with the quarterback’s upper body or their arm including the ball in their hand by the rusher while they are attempting to throw the ball will result in an illegal contact penalty. This also includes any other offensive player who is attempting to throw the ball.

  • If the offensive player’s arm is in motion forward while attempting a pass when their flag is pulled by a rusher the play will be allowed to continue.


  • To prevent the ball carrier from advancing, an opponent must pull off 1 or 2 flags without preventing the ball carrier to move forward. The ball is declared dead at this point. Once the defender has removed a flag, they are to remain in place hold the flag up for the officials to confirm the play has stopped and return the flag to the ball carrier. If a defensive player does not immediately return the flag back to the ball carrier, the official will issue a warning to the captain of the team at fault. If the situation repeats itself, no matter which player is involved, the official will issue an objectionable conduct penalty.

  • The officials will whistle the play dead when they see that a defensive player has removed (flagged) 1 of the flags of the ball carrier. If a ball carrier does not have all his or her flags, the player is eligible to receive the ball, however, they cannot advance it. If a ball carrier’s flag is moved out of position by a defender in an attempt to flag them, the play will be allowed to continue. Players wearing belted flags must ensure that they are not too loose and cannot move around easily.

  • An eligible pass receiver who loses a flag at anytime can still receive a forward pass, but the ball will be declared dead at the point of reception. Players winding flags on belts will be warned the first time, next time removed from the game.


  • The quarterback has 7 seconds to throw the ball after the ball has been snapped. If a pass is not thrown within the 7 seconds, a delay of pass penalty shall be called.

  • The offensive official will verbalize the 7-second count at 5 seconds for the quarterback so that they can hear / know that time is running out to pass the ball. If the quarterback’s arm is in forward motion when the 7-seconds expires, then the play will be allowed to continue.

  • Once the ball is handed off, tossed, pitched or lateraled or a fake handoff, toss, pitch or lateral occurs the 7 second rule is no longer in effect.

  • Only 1 forward pass thrown is allowed in a down.

  • Interceptions change the possession of the ball.

  • Shovel passes are allowed.

  • Once a player catches a legal forward pass, they are no longer allowed to lateral the ball.

  • Interceptions can be returned by the defense.

  • On interceptions that occur and remain in the end zone, the ball becomes dead and turned over to the intercepting team at its 5-yard line.

  • If a ball is intercepted and the ball carrier runs into their own endzone where they are flagged, except in the case of an inadvertent whistle, the result would be a safety for the other team.

Obtaining Points

  • Touchdown: 6 points

  • Extra point: 1-point (Played from midpoint of 5-yard line only) “No Run Zone”

  • Extra point: 2-points (Played from midpoint of 10-yard line only)

  • Safety: 2-points

  • Interception return on Extra Point Convert to the opponent’s end zone: 2-points + Ball Possession


  • When a penalty affects the normal point of scrimmage of a convert attempt, the awarding of 1 or 2-points will be based on where the original convert attempt was scrimmaged prior to any penalty application or repeated convert attempt.

  • If the team chooses the extra point convert from 5-yards, this is within the “No Run Zone”.

  • After the interception, if there is a penalty against the original offense, the yardage will be applied to the intercepting teams next possession.

  • On a convert, if the defense commits a Pass Interference or Illegal Contact penalty on 2 consecutive plays, the offense will be awarded the points for the convert.


  • If teams are tied after regulation time, teams will play a Sudden-Death overtime.

  • Teams can attempt either a:

    1. 1-point convert from the 5-yard line (“No Run Zone”); or

    2. 2-point convert from the 10-yard line

  • Interceptions are live, the defense can run an interception back to the offensive teams end zone for 2-points

  • If the game is still tied after each team has completed their play, then the teams will repeat until a winner is declared.

  • A winner is declared when one team scores and the other does not on their convert attempt.



All penalties are 5-yards, the down will be repeated, and will be assessed from the line of scrimmage unless otherwise noted.

  • In a single penalty application, all penalties may be declined except dead ball fouls, major fouls, and penalties that stop the current play (flag guarding, delay of pass, etc.) In a multiple penalty situation against one team, penalties that stop the play may be declined by the non-offending team if they choose to accept another penalty.

  • Yardage on penalties, except Major fouls, will not exceed half the distance to the opposing team’s goal line from the line of scrimmage. The yardage on a Spot Foul is assessed from where the infraction took place. The ball can never be placed closer than the 1-yard line.

  • Game officials determine incidental contact that may result from normal run of play.

  • Games cannot end at half time or the end of the game on an accepted penalty.

  • Penalties after an interception shall be assessed after the return is over and/or the play is blown dead.

  • Defensive spot of fouls penalties that occur behind the line of scrimmage will be applied at the line of scrimmage instead of the spot.

  • If a dead ball foul occurs after a scoring play, the non-offending team will get the choice to apply the yardage to the convert or to the start of the next possession.

Defensive Penalties

  • Offside – player(s) lined up across or crossing the Line of Scrimmage at the snap of the ball.

  • Disconcerting Signals – signals to distract or simulate offensive signals prior to snap.

  • Illegal Rushing – player(s) not lined up at least 12 inches on 1 side from rusher bean bag or rushing & crossing the Line of Scrimmage from inside the 7-yard rusher bean bag.

  • Pass Interference – both contact & non-contact that interferes with an offensive player catching a ball while it is in air, also includes screening & pushing off at Spot of Foul (Automatic First Down).

  • Illegal Contact – physical contact such as impeding, redirecting, obstruction, blocking, holding, & tackling as well as any upper body contact with an offensive player throwing the ball including the ball in their hand at Spot of Foul (Automatic First Down).

  • Illegal Flag Pull – pulling a flag of a player before they have the ball at Spot of Foul (Automatic First Down).

Offensive Penalties

  • Delay of Game – ball is not snapped within 20 seconds, play whistled dead.

  • Delay of Pass – ball is not passed by Quarterback in 7 seconds, play whistled dead.

  • Offside – player(s) lined up across or crossing the LOS at the snap of the ball.

  • Illegal Snap – Center lifting or moving ball to simulate a snap.

  • Flag Guarding, Jumping or Diving – ball carrier uses any part of their body or ball to prevent flags from being pulled or advancing the ball, play is whistled dead at Spot of Foul.

  • Rusher Interference – impeding a rusher’s direct path to Quarterback.

  • Interference – impeding, redirecting, obstruction, blocking with no contact, play whistled dead at Spot of Foul.

  • Illegal Contact – physical contact such as impeding, redirecting, obstruction, blocking, holding & tackling (Loss of Down).

  • Pass Interference – both contact & non-contact that interferes with a defensive player’s catching a ball while it is in air, also includes screening, pushing off & pick plays (Loss of Down).

  • Illegal Participation – Player goes out of bounds by themselves, returns inbounds & then touches the ball inbounds

  • Illegal Running Play – a quarterback running with the ball across the Line of Scrimmage without any transfer of the ball. Play whistled dead.

  • Illegal Forward Pass – when a second forward pass occurs, or when a forward pass occurs after the ball has crossed the Line of Scrimmage. Play whistled dead.

General / Major Penalties

  • Illegal Substitution - Any offensive player substitution after the center is prepared to snap the ball and any defensive player substitution during the play.

  • Game Interference – any substitute players, coaches or spectators interfering with ball, player or official while ball is in play.

  • Objectionable Conduct – players, coaches, teams or spectators using profane language or gestures, threats, demeaning or intimidating remarks & actions, persistent arguments, fake injuries, delay of game or targeting players to initiate contact will result in a 5-yard penalty. Any player, coach, team or spectator receiving a second Objectionable Conduct penalty during a game will be ejected from that game.

Major Foul – Any obscene act of roughness or unfair play by players, coaches, teams, or spectators will result in a 15-yard penalty being assessed against their team as well as LOD or AFD. If the intent of the infraction was to cause bodily harm, or unfair play has made a mockery of the game, the penalty can result in a game ejection. Major fouls cannot be declined and must always apply their yardage in full.


